Phone 1-800-327-0943
Screw & Barrel New
Screw & Barrel Re-Build
Screw & Barrel Design

Design Services

Screw and Barrel Design - We Design with You in Mind!

Migrandy's design team tackles the challenges of new material processing with experience and confidence. Our innovative manufacturing processes provide you the highest quality screws and fastest delivery times.

Migrandy can design screw or barrel for  virtually all processes and materials. We have the knowledge and experience with process, material and product to design a feed screw for rubber, food, candy and any other application where a feed screw is used. 

Rebuilt screws, barrels, and components are returned to you with in 3 to 5 days of receipt, assures you minimal downtime for your production processes.

To Inquire About Migrandy Design Services
Please Fill out the Form Below

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Screw Performance...
MIGRANDY Delivers !

Extrusion Screw Manufacturing, Screw Rebuilding, Screw  Design and Rebuilding, Plastics Industry Components Support


Migrandy Corporation

 675 Cypress Drive
Merritt Island, Florida 32952

Phone 321-459-0044
Toll Free 1-800-327-0943

Fax 321-459-2641


Migrandy Corporation         675 Cypress Drive         Merritt Island, Florida 32952
Phone  321-459-0044         Toll Free 1-800-327-0943          Fax 321-459-2641 

Migrandy Corporation 2000-06 - All Rights Reserved